This time last year, I was six months postpartum with my twin girls and I was beyond ready to start getting my pre-baby body back. I was faced with the decision to attempt my weight loss journey on my own or take a chance on a program called the 30 Days to Healthy Living. It was kinda pricey, I would have to give up coffee, and I wasn’t sure if I was willing to replace two of my meals with protein shakes. Well let me tell you, I am so glad I looked past all of that and said YES! I am here to share my unbiased review on the Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living. I want to give you my pros and cons as well as why I recommend this program to all of my friends and family! I say this is an unbiased review solely because I do not sell Arbonne and therefore do not make any sort of income from them. I simply just love their products and think you will too!

So what is it?
I don’t want to spend too much time on what the plan is because detailed information is available on Arbonne’s website BUT if you have not heard of the Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living, here it is in a nutshell. The Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living focuses on reseting your body from the inside out, revitalizing your overall health along with your gut health. Within the 30 days you will give up coffee, alcohol, dairy, soy, gluten, artificial sweetener, added sugar and processed food. A typical day consists of greens and digestion plus to kick off the morning. A detox tea and fizz to replace coffee. Your breakfast and lunch shakes with healthy snacks in between, if you’re hungry. An afternoon fizz if needed. And finally a well balanced clean meal consisting of a protein, veggies, a healthy carb and healthy fat to end the day.
To get the more in depth version from Arbonne, click here.
Now that we know what it is, let’s get into the pros and cons!
Pros - What I Loved
So Incredibly Easy to Follow
This plan outlines exactly what you will be eating and drinking throughout your entire day. They provide yummy recipes for shakes, snack ideas, and a list of food you can eat along with foods to avoid. If you are a mom, you probably know that feeling of looking at your clock at noon and realizing you haven’t eaten anything yet. Oops! Meanwhile the kids have had milk, breakfast, lunch and 32 snacks! I desperately needed something that I didn’t have to think about in order to make sure I ate at normal times throughout the day. Plain and simple this plan made it easy to make sure I was taking care of myself!
Focuses on Overall Health, Not Just Weight Loss
I love that the main focus of this plan is your overall health. Everything is vegan, gluten free and made with the best ingredients. I am confident that I am putting good things in my body when using any of Arbonne’s products. I love that supplements like digestion plus and greens balance are included in the plan as well. When trying to lose weight on my own these would not have been supplements I necessarily looked for or invested in. However, I have learned how helpful they are for my overall health and in turn have seen how using them has assisted in my weight loss goals. Lastly, I love that the plan provides a natural energy alternative to coffee, aka the fizz stick. As a mom, I lived on coffee. Five cups into my day and I always still felt tired and unenergized. And let’s not even get into the amount of money I was spending or the calories I was consuming going to Starbucks close to every day. This plan looks at the whole picture, not just the one issue I was hung up on (weight loss).
Felt Amazing and Saw Results
I seriously have never felt better! Three days in and I could already tell a huge difference in my mood, my energy, my confidence and I was seeing results on the scale. Each week I was averaging a 3 to 5 pound weight loss and was losing 1 to 2 inches around my waist. Results I wasn’t even coming close to seeing when I was trying to do it on my own. You will feel the best you have ever felt and the weight loss will come, too.
Cons - My One Knock
Like do I really have to give it up? Without a doubt I agree that fizz sticks give me better energy throughout my day and I know it’s 1000% better for me BUT I love the taste of coffee so much. When you are used to drinking the rich coffee flavor in the morning, replacing it with something fruity wasn’t the most ideal solution for me. However, I did it. I was motivated to feel better, lose weight, have more energy around my kids, feel more confident in my clothes and I did it. I gave up coffee for 30 days and I do admit that I felt more energized with fizz versus coffee. There I said it. I just wish that Arbonne would come out with a coffee flavored fizz and all my problems would be solved.
*Since writing this, Arbonne has come out with a coffee protein that has helped me so much with my need for that coffee taste in the morning, making the 30 days to healthy living even easier to follow!

Why I Recommend Arbonne to all My Friends & Family
My list of pros and cons is great but I think in order to really convince you, I need to hit on these next few points, hopefully eliminating any hesitations you might have.
The Cost
I know. It’s expensive. I hear you. I was pitched the Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living months and months before I ever said yes. The price tag is heavy but this is how I justified it.
I was spending $5 a day on Starbucks and since I was there I would usually get a breakfast sandwich too, so call it $10. Sad to admit but I went close to every day. Ditching my Starbucks bill alone paid for my kit. CRAZY! The plan also requires you to cut out alcohol and processed foods. Say goodbye to restaurant bills, bar tabs and Uber Eats fees. Money definitely saved there.
If cost is truly is your hang up, I encourage you to look at what you are spending on the things that you would be giving up during the 30 days in order to help justify it. I think you will be surprised!
Lastly and most importantly, you have to consider this as an investment to your health. This isn’t about just getting skinny. It’s about taking care of yourself from the inside out. Even if you find that you don’t spend a lot at Starbucks or restaurants and you aren’t able to justify it that way, know that you and your health is something worth investing in. You won’t regret it.
Fad Diet Stigma
This was probably the biggest reason I didn’t jump in the second I heard about the 30 days. You hear the stories of people who have amazing success with “fad diets” but then quickly gain the weight back the second they stop. I didn’t want this to be me. I wanted to not only lose the weight but I wanted it to stay off, for good.
With that said, I admit, I made the assumption that Arbonne was just another “fad diet.” I was so wrong. I have learned that my assumptions were absolutely not true and I made them simply because I didn’t know enough about what Arbonne was all about.
Like I mentioned earlier, this plan is all about resetting your body and revamping your overall health. Unlike most “fad diets” weight loss is not even the main outcome that Arbonne promotes. Sure you will most likely lose weight, but they want you feel better first and foremost and looking better will surely follow.
As a mom who was struggling to have the energy to keep up with her kids, I fell in love with Arbonne’s approach and that is ultimately why I said yes!
What About After The 30 Days
I am someone who has been riding the roller coaster when it comes to weight loss and my overall health. I am happy to say that Arbonne has changed that for me. I am just two weeks shy of a year since I started using Arbonne products. Within this year I was able to hit my goal weight 3 months in and I have been able to maintain it ever since. Arbonne has become a huge part of my everyday life.
After the 30 days was completed I adapted the 80/20 approach and I love it. As recommended, I occasionally added some foods back into my diet to see how my body would react. I ultimately learned what my body likes and dislikes and was able to make more conscious food choices for myself. I personally do so much better without gluten or large amounts of dairy so those are things that I have eliminated from my diet for good.
I have added coffee back into my everyday routine because well, I love it and it simply puts a smile on my face everyday. With that said however, I do believe that giving it up for 30 days was so necessary for me to get to this point of being able to control my daily coffee intake and find better alternatives to put in my coffee. It’s easy to limit myself to only one a day now (most days) with the option of a fizz in the afternoon, which I have been loving during these hot, hot days!
Another huge accomplishment for me personally was learning how to indulge without guilt. I am finally able to just enjoy my treat without mentally beating myself up because I know that I have a healthy plan to jump right back into.

Final Thoughts
Hands down, I am an Arbonne lifer and I highly, highly recommend the 30 Days to Healthy Living. Whatever your goals may be, I know from experience that you will crush them and feel amazing on this plan. Like anything, you do have to commit and be disciplined BUT if you do, get ready to feel that best you have ever felt! Arbonne has taught me how to live a balanced life and for that I am forever grateful!
If you are raising your hand wondering where and how you can sign up, I personally did not sell Arbonne when I wrote this but I have since decided to. With that said, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the program or you can check out my Arbonne Website here! I have been using Arbonne products for almost 2 years now & I seriously can’t imagine my life without them.
I hope you enjoyed this unbiased review. You can also check out what a full day of eating looks like during the 30 days here! Thank you so much for reading!