October is the start to my favorite time of year and our family gets to kick off the magical holiday season with Brock’s birthday. This year was a tough one, deciding whether or not to even throw a birthday party. I didn’t officially decide to throw a party until a week and half beforehand. Yikes! Even though the decision to through a party was hard (because… Covid) the theme was not! One of Brock’s greatest obsessions at the moment is Blippi so I didn’t have to think twice about the theme. (If this is the first time you are ever hearing of Blippi and you are curious what the hype is all about, I will link his YouTube channel here.)
With only a few days to prep I headed to Amazon in attempts to throw the best birthday party I could for my spunky, Blippi loving three year old. Without further ado, let’s get into the details!

Party Decorations
It wouldn’t be a party without a photo back drop if you ask me! Funny story about this balloon garland. I had it in my Amazon cart when I was speculating whether or not to throw a party for Brock. After sitting in my cart for a while, I noticed it was gone one day. I didn’t think much of it, maybe it was out of stock, maybe I took too long to decide. The next day it showed up at my door. Brock must have purchased it when he had my phone looking at a train set he wanted on Amazon. A sign? Definitely.
This was only my second balloon garland I have put together, the first being for my sister’s indoor bridal shower. A couple things I learned this time. Balloon garlands do better inside. I had major anxiety all day hearing a balloon pop every 20 minutes from the heat. Yes it was randomly 105 degrees in October but none the less, I will definitely keep this in mind for next time.
The wood back drop wall, Derek made for the girl’s first birthday party this year. We have since used it for every party and I love having it for our outdoor events.

For entertainment we decided to go with a slide rental and Brock loved it! He has asked every day since his party where his slide went as if it were one of his birthday presents. (I wish, bud!) We initially wanted to have a Blippi actor come to entertain the kids but with the late notice he unfortunately was not available. If you are looking to throw a Blippi party, I will link his information as he did have really great reviews.
Along with the slide, we also had a Blippi bean bag toss game and a piñata for the kids.

For desserts we kept it very simple with homemade cupcakes by my mom and some chocolate chip cookies from Costco. My mom makes the best cakes and cupcakes and luckily for us she has volunteered to make cupcakes for all of our parties, even our wedding!
Before his party I asked Brock if he wanted cake or cupcakes for his birthday and he said cupcakes so that he could share with everyone. He is seriously the sweetest (sometimes)! He also said there is no TV allowed on his birthday, just cupcakes.

Blippi Gift Ideas
These were some of the Birthday gifts he received from friends and family! I love that they kept to the theme with their gift selections. The bike was his big gift from us and I am so excited to see him grow into it and start riding it around the neighborhood. Seeing him on it solidifies for me that he is three. He looks so big!

Special Moments
Derek’s Favorite Moment
“My favorite part of the party was during gifts, Brock saying thank you to every person before he even opened their present. It was like he knew he would have to say it so he was trying to get it out of the way.”
My Favorite Moment
I loved seeing Brock in his Blippi get up. He wore it proud! I also loved that he knew it was his special day and was so excited about turning three (as you can tell in all the pictures with him holding up his three fingers.) My favorite part was after we all got done singing him happy birthday, he gave us an encore and sang it one more time to himself.
Blippi Attire: Hat | Suspenders & Bow Tie | Glasses | Socks

We had so much fun celebrating our little three year old, Blippi style! Thanks so much for reading.