Disneyland is back baby! It was a long time coming but my husband and I were so excited to get our kids (and ourselves) back to the happiest place on earth! In preparation for our trip I wanted to plan out some snacks and treats that we could bring from home for the kids. We didn’t want to have to buy everything at the park and since you can bring food in, why not do it. It is also nice to not have to wait in line for food for the kids since you are waiting in lines all day as it is. Convenience was absolutely the number one priority, however I also wanted the snacks to be something the kids would be excited about. With all that in mind I bring you three simple, yet magical snack ideas to bring for your little ones on your next trip to Disneyland! Let’s get into it.

Mickey Rice Krispies Treats

First on the list, Mickey Rice Krispies Treats. If you get the Rice Krispies treat sheet these are incredibly easy to make but you can also make the Rice Krispies yourself if you prefer homemade. Simply cut out the Rice Krispies using a Mickey cookie cutter. Once they are cut, lay them on wax paper or foil in prep for the chocolate drizzle. Melt your chocolate according to the directions on the bag. Take a spoon and splatter the chocolate on the treats in horizontal lines or in whichever pattern you choose. Next add sprinkles to the the ears like I did, here. The chocolate does start to harden quickly so be sure to add your sprinkles before it does. I packaged them in fold over treat bags but ziplocks would also work.
The great thing about these is you can stop at the first step and just bring Mickey Rice Krispies without any of the chocolate or sprinkles and they would still be an exciting treat for the kids at the parks!
Mickey Lunchable

What you'll need:
Lunch Meat & Cheese
Small Mickey Cookie Cuter
Double Stuf Oreos
Mini Oreos
Ritz Crackers
Juice Box
Tupperware with compartments
Next up the kids approved Mickey lunchable. To make the Mickey Oreos, I simply placed two of the mini Oreos into the stuffing part of the bigger Oreo. They fit perfectly using the double Stuf; I definitely think the regular Oreos would be too thin. Seriously so simply and probably the treat the kids got the most excited about! Next I cut the cheese and lunch meat with the small mickey cookie cutter. Once everything was cut, I assembled the the lunchables into the tupperware. These were a lot larger then I initially envisioned but I actually loved that they were big enough to hold a juice box as well. Since I have a Cricut and I had some vinyl laying around I was a little extra and added their names in a cute Mickey font to the lid but obviously that is not necessary.
Having these ready made it so easy to just find a table and eat rather than trying to order food through the mobile app and timing you’re pick up perfectly. Or like a mentioned earlier, waiting in yet another line for food. I have to share, when I gave this to Brock he looked at it and said, “Mom this lunchable is amazing. I love it!” Sometimes we try really hard as moms and rarely get the reactions we are hoping for but his reaction couldn’t have been more perfect!
Disney Snack Mix

Last but certainly not least, Disney snack mix. So so easy to make, just combine popcorn, pretzels and some Disney shaped goldfish. I did go through and pick out the mickey and princess shapes from the goldfish so those would stand out more in the snack mix. Next I mixed it all together and scooped the mix into the triangle bags, making sure each bag got a good amount of Disney gold fish. I tied the tops with little elastic hair bands to keep them secure while in my backpack. And again you can absolutely stop here or if you want to get a little extra, you can add a few decorative ribbons to the top to finish it off.
These were perfect to have for those not so convenient times the kids asked for a snack, like 20 minutes into a 30 minute wait for Dumbo.

I should mention that my goal in making these was not to save a ton of money on food, it was more about the convenience of having things on hand and ready to go. However after seeing the prices at Disneyland I do think I made out ahead. One Mickey Rice Krispie at Disneyland was pushing $5, multiple that by 3 and wowzers. You catch my drift. You do have to invest in the cookie cutters and tupperware but if you like to go and think you will go often enough, I think this might just be the way to go money wise too.
If you are truly looking to save money on food and drinks at Disneyland, the biggest tip I can give is to bring your own water. Whether that’s a large hydro or as many waters as you can fit in the stroller, bring it. We forgot our hydros and I don’t even want to know the amount of money we wasted buying waters inside the parks. Waters were priced higher than sodas so you know Disney is really trying to up-charge there. And if you forget your hydro or your water, you will pay for it because it gets HOT.

Shop affiliate links (at no extra cost to you) for everything you’ll need to make these Disney inspired snacks, here.

There you have it three simple, yet magical snacks to bring with you on your next Disneyland trip! If you are planning a trip with your family, I hope you have the best time! If you do make any of these before you go, I’d love it if you tagged me on Instagram!
As always, thanks so much for reading!