Ahhh fall. You are definitely my favorite season. The pumpkin spice cold brews, the cooler weather, and all the fall fun to be had. Speaking of fall fun, I would love to share some of my favorite fall activities to do with kids! Our little family of five loved getting festive and trying out new things this month. From visiting the pumpkin patch to fall inspired arts and crafts, we have tried to cover it all. When planning activities for young kids it’s hard to predict whether or not it will hold their attention, which can be exhausting, to say the least. In this post I will be sharing some fun fall activities and will also give some insight on how into each activity my kids were. For reference, my son Brock is 3 and my twin girls are 1.5 years old. Now let’s grab those art supplies and get into the activities!
Pumpkin Carving

Pretty basic with this one but Brock was finally at the perfect age for some good old fashion pumpkin carving. The girls loved it too and were really into touching and feeling the “guts.” Jojo also may have eaten a seed or two. Oops! Yes we did the majority of the work with this one but Brock enjoyed helping Dada carve out his Jack-O-Lantern and the girls enjoyed taking off the tops of their pumpkins and putting them back on like a puzzle.

Nature Walk & Surprise Leaves
This next fall activity, I remember doing when I was a kid, so all the credit to my mama for this one. We started by searching for leaves on a little nature walk and then I set up an activity for them to find the leaves as they colored. The leaves we found on our walk were not as flat as I was hoping so I picked up some wood stickers at the Target dollar section that worked perfectly. The kids did get really excited when they found a leaf but like any toddler they wanted to move on from this activity pretty quickly. The nature walk was perfect for their ages though!

Fall Hike
One of the first activities we did this fall was the Pumpkin Rock hike located in Norco, Ca. This hike is one of my favorite memories we made as a family this fall by far. The hike in total was 1 mile round trip. The trail we took was pretty steep but we read online that there is actually a flatter, slightly longer trail as well. We had the girls in the baby carriers on our backs and Brock was able to hike most of it unless the hills got too steep, in which case my husband Derek carried him. The girls were as happy as can be the entire hike and loved climbing the rocks once we got to the top. It’s been over a month since we did this hike and Brock still asks to do it again. He also loved that he wore his skeleton jammies on the hike and I think that will have to become part of the tradition for us as well.
DIY Pumpkin Patch
Another staple fall activity is visiting the pumpkin patch. Unfortunately the weekend we originally picked to go, it was just way to crowded for us to feel comfortable so we ended up doing a last minute DIY pumpkin patch in the backyard. Our kids are so young that I don’t think they even knew a difference, minus maybe to train and pony ride. Luckily we were able to find a time during the week to go back when it was less crowed to ride the train. Brock loves trains so much so I had to make it happen for him! His smile was so worth it.

Dress Up Movie Night
This is a fall must if you live where weather permits. Our neighbors threw a costume dress up party along with an outdoor showing of the movie Coco and it was so much fun! Just being outside with blankies, popcorn and sweet movie cuddles was the best. Brock’s eyes were glued to the screen the entire movie, he was so into it! The girls came and went, which is pretty typical for them as far as movies go. Truly the perfect fall activity!

Pumpkin Painting
Painting pumpkins was another favorite of mine. Unlike pumpkin carving, the kids were able to tackle this one completely on their own. I tried to stay out of the way and just let them explore and play with the paints. It did turn into finger painting rather quickly making for a slightly bigger mess afterwards but they seriously had so much fun with it.

Glow Stick Monster Mash Bath
This activity was so easy and so fun! Fill up the bath, turn off the lights, throw in the glow sticks and jam out to Monster Mash! And you get bath time out of the way too! The girls are never really into baths but they loved this one!

Halloween Countdown
I made this DIY countdown to Halloween calendar for the kids this year and they are loving it. I wanted to have something to build up their anticipation and excitement for Halloween as Brock especially is just starting to really understand Holidays and everything that comes with them. With there being three of them I did customize my calendar to have something for each of them to do each day. We remove a paper ring from each of the strands and add one sticker to the calendar. So far Brock has reminded me to do it each day so I think it is definitely building up the excitement for him!

Additional Recommendations
Glowing Jack-O-Lanterns (Target Dollar Section)
Apple Picking
Baking Pies
Corn Maze
Making Soup
Thank you so much for reading! Now go make some fall memories with your kiddos!