After I found out I was pregnant the second time, the weeks leading up to that first Doctor’s appointment were rough as far as symptoms were concerned. The nausea was constant, I could not keep down anything I ate and I had zero energy. I had the same symptoms during my pregnancy with my first born but these were tenfold. When we finally made it to our first appointment, I remember my husband half jokingly asking the Doctor to be sure she checks for twins. This was something we lightly talked about leading up to that appointment because of how sick I was getting every day. Even tho we had a hunch, both our jaws dropped to the floor when the Doctor announced, “Well it looks like dad was right, I see two heart beats. You’re having twins!”
Not even a day had gone by since I got the news and I had already started googling how to get through the first year with twins. I felt the need to start getting prepared even with 7 months still to go. If this is you, I hope I can help by sharing what I feel are the most important baby products to buy. Listed below are the three items I believe to be most useful for getting through the first year with newborn twins.
1. Twin Z Nursing Pillow
If I had to recommend one single product to a mom of twins, hands down I would recommend the Twin Z Nursing Pillow. I could not imagine my life without it. My main use for this pillow was as an aid in feeding the twins. With an 18 month old at home as well, I knew I needed to be able to breastfeed both babies at the same time. This pillow allowed me to do so with ease (or as much ease as possible I should say). When I transitioned from breastfeeding to bottle feeding, this pillow made it so easy for just one person to feed the twins. Thankfully, leaving either mine or my husbands’ hands free for our toddler’s needs/entertainment during feeding time. Life got even easier when the girls were able to hold their own bottles. I could set them up in their pillow on the floor, giving me a second to breath while they drank their bottles.
Although the main use was aiding in feeding, we were also able to utilize the pillow for assisted tummy time and play time when the twins were newborns. We even used the pillow to support the twins when they wanted to sit up but couldn’t quite do it on their own yet. Now that the twins are 16 months, we could easily get away with not using the pillow but it’s so comfy to them that they prefer it and still use the pillow everyday when we are home.
2. Joovy Room2 Playard with Twin Nursery Center
The second product I recommend is the Joovy Room2 Playard with the twin nursery center accessory. For our first born we did not invest in a bassinet as we choose to co sleep with him in his Dock A Tot. With the twins, I new bed sharing would not be an option but I still wanted them to be as close to me as possible. While researching bassinets, I shied away from the hefty prices of the bassinets I was finding, especially considering that I needed double. Luckily I came across the Joovy Room2 Playard. The pack n play itself is so spacious, giving both babies enough room to fit comfortably. The twin nursery attachment allows you to have a separate space for each baby but still keeps them side by side like they are use to from being so close in the womb. It even comes with a changing table attachment that you can conveniently set up for those midnight diaper changes.
A huge factor in choosing this pack n play over a traditional bassinet was knowing that we would continue to use it after those long, but quick, 3 to 6 months of the twins being in our room with us. As soon as our twins were sleeping in their cribs, we no longer needed the bassinet accessory but we were still able to get good use out of the pack n play itself. We used it as a place for them to play safely when they first started crawling and we continue to use it as a crib when we go out of town.
Please note, you do have to buy the pack n play and the twin nursery accessary separate but the total for both is still significantly lower than most twin bassinets.
3. Baby Brezza Formula Pro
Last but not least, the third product I highly suggest for twin moms is the Baby Brezza Formula Pro. I made the switch from breastfeeding to formula feeding after 4 months. In order to give you a since of why I believe this product is such a necessity during the first year, I want to describe what bottle time looks like with and without the Brezza. If you do not have a Brezza, to make a bottle of formula you would have to first measure out the water. Scoop the appropriate amount of formula into the bottle. Mix the formula. Use a bottle warmer to warm the formula. If you don’t have a bottle warmer you would need to heat some water in the microwave. Set the formula bottle in the container of hot water. Check if it’s the right temperature by squirting some on the inside of you wrist or by drinking some yourself. Then repeat for the second bottle, probably with a hungry baby or two in your arms. If you do have the Brezza, to make a bottle of formula you just press start. Then repeat again for the second bottle. The formula is measured, mixed and warmed for you. No brainer, right? If you are still not convinced, when we switched our girls to formula they were still drinking 5 to 7 bottles a day, 1 or 2 of those being in the middle of the night. Now double it for twins. I’m sure you’re on board now, right? I will admit, it does cost a pretty penny, along with most baby products but I’m telling you it will make your life with twins so much easier!
Keep in mind that you can use your 20% off Buy Buy Baby coupons on the Baby Brezza or if you buy directly from their website, Baby Brezza offers 15% off your first purchase when you subscribe to their newsletter.
There you have it, my top three twin mom must haves to get you through the first year. As always, thank you for reading!