It’s that time of year again! You can’t do much in 2020 but you CAN take family photos! I do very much look forward to our yearly family photo shoot but planning out not only what you are going to wear but what THE ENTIRE FAMILY is going to wear can be overwhelming! I know. I hear you. That’s why I am sharing my method to the madness in hopes that it can help you pick the perfect outfits for your entire family come picture day! Let’s jump in.
Start with your Inspiration
When I am prepping for a family photo shoot I usually start with some sort of inspiration to build off of. My inspiration has come from a picture off Pinterest, a dress that I love, etc. This time around a lot of my inspiration came from a couple of bows I had found over the summer for the girls. I was legit giddy when I found two similar styles with the same groovy, flower power vibes. Considering the girls rarely keep bows on for more than three seconds, this was a huge risk but I was too obsessed with them not to try and incorporate them into the shoot.

Choose a Color Scheme

When I am choosing a color scheme I like to keep it pretty broad with at least 4 to 5 colors. This ensures that I will have enough variety for everyone in the family. I typically build my color scheme off of my inspiration piece. In this particular case I had a lot of fun picking out my favorite colors from each of the bows. I was really feeling the bright pastels with some of the darker earthy tones, making it a super fun ’70s palette.
Coordinating > Matching
The days of family photos consisting of everyone in the same color shirt has come and gone. When choosing your family’s outfits it’s so important to make sure everyone coordinates but doesn’t match exactly. This is key in making the photos look less staged and more natural and candid. Because it’s not as easy as just picking out 5 yellow shirts anymore, I always make sure to nail down my outfit first and go from there. I do this because let’s be honest I care more about these pictures than anyone else in my family. And there is nothing worse than the stress of not knowing what you are going to wear the day of pictures. Another tip, don’t be afraid to mix in some fun prints and patterns! Especially if you find something that incorporates the majority of your color palette. Wearable props like hats and sunglasses are also fun to throw on even for just a few of the pictures.
Consider all Desired Photos
When thinking of each of your family member’s outfits, it’s important to consider how the family will look as a whole first and foremost. It is also important to consider how other desired photos will look, like all the kids together or just you and your partner, for example. Before I found the pastel tie dye skirt I was considering wearing an all white dress. Although it was beautiful and would have gone well with the family picture, it wouldn’t have given the photos of Derek and I much pop, and that’s ultimately why I decided against it. With this is mind, I typically put the girls and I in the brighter colors and patterns while I keep the boys pretty neutral. That way I know all of my optimal pictures will incorporate my desired color palette. Side note: I learned from this photo shoot that small grid patterns don’t show up well on camera (Derek’s shirt) and actually look pixelated. I will definitely keep that in mind for next time.

Consider your Optimal Vibe
This is where the location comes into play. It’s important to consider your location when considering outfits to ensure it matches the ultimate vibe that you’re after. For this photo shoot I wanted it to feel summery and beachy with a splash of retro. The tie dye skirt, the flower power head bands, the good vibes baseball tee and having the boys roll up their pants; all these details contributed to the vision I was after. Then you throw in the perfect golden lighting in the open street, lined with palm trees. It was to a T what I was looking for! Only thing missing was a Volkswagen prop. (Next time!)
Have Fun!
This is hands down the most important part, especially with young kids! You have done the hard part of picking out all the outfits, now let anything outside of your control go and enjoy! You sometimes have to be realistic that you may not get the perfect posed picture. Focus on the candid moments with the kids and try not to force them into a certain pose. I always love the candid photos more anyway!

Huge shout out to my photographer, London! If you are still looking for someone to shoot your family pics this Fall (So Cal area) she is your girl! She was so easy and fun to work with and as you can see, her photos are gorgeous! She also does engagement shoots, weddings, senior photos, everything. Make sure to check out her instagram and website!
Thank you so much for reading! Good luck with your family photos this Fall!
Kayla Tucker
Please style us for our shoot in November!!!!!!!!! Lol you have the best style and these pictures turned out sooo beautiful!
Lindsay Johnson
Yes Yes Yes!! Thank you Kayla!!